Sunday, June 10, 2012

5 days old

A few medical updates today... First, the doctors determined that the medicine is not working to the extent needed for the PDA and the bypass artery is still quite large. Therefore, they will continue the medicine to see if they can close it up without doing any surgeries. Second, the doctors are also working to put in a central line called a PICC. This will allow them to avoid giving Josh IVs all of the time. This is a surgical procedure which requires sedation and it is successful 85% of the the time. (Becky and Evan should hear tonight if it worked or not). Third, the doctors will also increase Josh's nutritional allotment since he has lost 15% of his birth weight and is now down to 850 grams. Finally, sometime in the next couple of days they will do an ultrasound of his brain to see if there has been any bleeding.

In some good news, Josh has graduated from his phototherapy for now and the jaundice is gone. Since his shades are off he has been looking around a lot and opening his eyes.

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