Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Things are looking up

After Josh's surgery yesterday he is recovering well and resting. His pain levels seem to be low and he has not needed extra doses of medicine just the drip of continuous medicine. Tomorrow he will be weaned off the drip if his pain remains tolerable.

According to the nurse his lungs no longer sound "juicy" which is a good sign that the PDA closing has helped his lungs improve. Another good sign is that the heart murmur is gone. He is currently on low levels of oxygen and the doctor's have turned down the ventilator levels. The nurses will also give him a small amount of milk again today and see how he tolerates it.


  1. Fantastic! I've been checking your blog every single day. I'm glad to hear the surgery helped. Hope mommy and daddy are hanging in there too.

  2. Yellow jersey goes to Joshua!!!
