It's hard to believe but Josh has now been in the NICU for five weeks. In some ways it's flown by but in some ways it has seemed like forever. Hopefully the large aspirate problem has been solved by adjusting his feeding schedule, he now gets his food over 2 hours and they found that if they wait to "vent" his tube for 30 minutes it allows time for him to digest the food and yesterday he was only have aspirates of 1-2 ml. Today his feeding amounts will go up to 28 ml every 3 hours and his milk will be fortified to 24 calories. Hopefully Josh will start eating more and we'll start going through the ~100 bags of milk we have frozen at the NICU and at home.
The doctor's are still watching Josh closely to make sure he is eating and stooling properly but everything seems to be going well. He is getting glycerin enemas once in awhile and he has "c-pap tummy" which means his tummy is distended with air, but it is still soft and he has good bowel sound movement.
He has done better with tolerating being out of the isolette and we are trying to increase the time we hold him everyday as long as he remains stable and happy.
So happy the feeding is now going so much better. Beautiful picture. xo