Monday, July 23, 2012

First Eye Exam

Last Friday Josh had his first eye exam and the results were good. The doctors found that he has immature eyes (to be expected) but currently no signs of ROP (Retinopathy of Prematurity). ROP occurs in about 50% of premature babies, especially those with a low birth weight. It is caused by the disorganized growth of blood vessels and can lead to scarring or retinal detachment. Because his eyes are still developing they will do another eye exam in two week, but the news is good for now.

Josh is continuing his strong growth rate pattern and now weighs 1900 grams or 4 lbs 3 ozs. He is still getting extra calories, protein, iron, and minerals added to his milk to help him continue to grow and mature. For now he will remain on the c-pap which he still needs to help him breathe. The next step will be to transition him to a high-flow nasal cannula which provides extra oxygen and some air flow to help keep his lungs open.

We have also been trying to get him interested in his pacifier and in turn feeding from a bottle. So far he has shown zero interest in the pacifier. After trying to give it to him yesterday he just stared at us like we were crazy and then passed out for a long nap.

Josh's clothes are just a "little" too big still.

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