Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Six Pounds

Today is day 77 (or 11 weeks) since Josh was born and it'a amazing to see the changes.
Josh has been growing in leaps and bounds and now weighs just over six pounds. He has outgrown his preemie diapers and clothes and is just starting to fit into the newborn sizes. His weight is right around the 50% percentile while his head circumference and length are hovering between the 25% and 50%. His head should round out more now that he does not have to wear the restrictive c-pap hat.

Yesterday he had an ultrasound on his brain and everything is developing normally. He had some extra fluid on the right side but the doctor's felt that it was normal and nothing to be concerned about.

Josh is still learning to wake up for his care times and take a bottle but he is getting better at this. A good way to get him to eat more his to lean down towards his face and go "nom, nom, nom" :).

1 comment:

  1. Once again, great news! It's amazing the progress that he's made. -Grandpa J.
