"Tummy Troubles" is probably not the best description of what Josh is going through but it sounds better than acid reflux. Because of Josh's prematurity the valve at the base of his esophagus is still developing and thus, he gets acid reflux when he eats. The reflux causes him to be uncomfortable and to sometimes choke which in turn leads to apnea and brady's. We are trying to help him by sitting him up when he eats and afterwards and not pushing him to eat too much from the bottle. The hope is that as he gets bigger he will outgrow some of these issues. If the reflux continues he may need medicine to help bring it under control. The reflux is scary because Josh rarely cries, even when he spits up he is silent so often our only indication of a problem is that the monitors go off.
The results of Josh's echo on Tuesday came back inconclusive. This means that the cardiologist was unable to see if he had a hole between the atrium. At this point the NICU doctor's are unsure of what they will recommend. He may have another echo before he comes home, or we may be referred to a pediatric cardiologist.
Josh wearing "big boy cargo" pants |
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