Thursday, September 13, 2012

100 Days Old

Today Josh is 100 days old or just over 14 weeks. His due date is this upcoming Saturday which is hard to wrap our minds around. He is still a "feeder and grower" and is working on taking full feeds from a bottle. He is tolerating the elecare, that is used to fortify his milk, and is now getting 24 calorie milk. Today he was switched to a multivitamin and an extra dose of iron which is what he will get when he goes home. He is still having some incidents of bradycardia which will have to stop before they will let him go home. Yesterday he had a tough day, but he seems to have recovered well, when he was circumcised. All in all he is doing well, and we are hopefully approaching the time when he will go home.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, guys. I've been checking in on Josh every now and again but thought I would just throw out a little post. I'm thinking good thoughts that everything settles down and he gets to go home soon!
