Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Three Months Old

Josh is now three months old or 38 weeks gestation. We hoped he would reach the 7 lb mark but he fell just shy coming in at 6 lbs 15.8 oz :). To make sure that his weight gain continues the doctors have upped the volume of milk he receives at each feeding. The other option would be to fortify his milk with a hypoallergenic formula to give him extra calories. Josh is still under close watch to make sure the blood in his stool does not return but we hope he is past this and moving forward. Yesterday he took four full bottles and three partial bottles before sleeping through the one feeding that we were there for. He continues to have a few brady's a day, sometimes associated with reflux and sometimes not associated with reflux. The goal is to still have him ready to go home by his due date, September 15th, but we will go with whatever schedule Josh chooses.

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