Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Figuring out a schedule

In the last week Josh has gotten better at sleeping at night but has shifted his time of fussiness to the day, but at least he is sleeping a little more at night. Right now he wakes up like clockwork every 3 to 3 1/2 hours and is ready to eat. We have discovered that we need to burp Josh completely or his fussiness increases at night. This also happens if he has extra gas so we have tried gas drops intermittently. This can be quite a challenge because sometimes it can take 30-45 minutes to get a burp. We have also been using a great swaddle called the "Miracle Blanket" which is basically a straight jacket for babies.

After his last doctor's appointment it was determined that he still needs some extra calories to gain weight so he is getting a mix of 24 calories hypoallergenic formula and breast milk. We hope this will help him gain weight and keep him around the 50th percentile line. He is a very active boy but doesn't like to eat a lot so it's hard for him to maintain his weight gains.  Because of his time at the NICU working with physical therapy he already can hold up his head about 80% of the time, he can push up on his arms when doing tummy time and has even rolled himself over after being placed on his small tummy time bolster.

This last weekend we had a visit from Grandma and Grandpa Jorgensen and spent some time going on walks and hanging out with everyone at Grandma and Grandpa Yeager's house.

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