Friday, October 5, 2012

First Week at Home/Four Months old

Josh has had an interesting first week at home with some ups and downs. He has mostly adjusted to the new environment and to being with mom and dad all the time. He still has some trouble sleeping, especially at night when he gets colicky and can't relax. This is mostly hard on us because we don't like to see him in discomfort.

On Tuesday Josh had some bloody stools and we had to take him to urgent care in the middle of the night to get him checked out. The doctor seemed to think that this was a reaction to the formula and he has been placed back on a hypoallergenic formula which should be easier for him to digest.

Today he got checked out by the pediatrician and he has gained 6 ozs in the last week, weighing in at 8 lbs 11 ozs. Next week he will get his four month checkup and his next round of vaccines.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you're keeping the blog going. I promise not to search daily but I will look weekly! Josh looks wonderful and glad the week went pretty well. Can't wait for sleeping through the night! Take care you three. Love from the Coochs
